Friday, January 23, 2015

Daughter of the Most High God

This is a poem the Lord has instructed me to share with His daughters: Written by Kit Valdez Daughter of the Most High God Know that I love you Daughter of the King of kings Know that you are forgiven Daughter of the One True God Know that you are wonderfully made My plans for you are not for harm I chose you before the beginning of time You can not lose my love I will never leave you or forsake you Rest in Me Wait on Me I am the One True God!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Humming Bird or Vulture?

A few weeks ago I heard a sermon regarding our mind and thoughts. The pastor made a brief comment regarding the difference between between a Hummingbird and a Vulture, this was a topic I needed to address in more detail. A Hummingbird is so attractive that people deliberately buy sweet food that will attract these beautiful little birds for their viewing pleasure. The smell of sweetness will attract these birds. All day they rely on sweetness for survival. The constant meals of sweetness through the day sustain him through the night. Then we have the Vulture. Such a large frightening bird to see. The moment you spot a vulture, you immediately know that death is near by. There is an eeriness at the sight of a vulture. Generally when you see one vulture, you will see others. The idea that they smell death, sense death, and are fed by it is disturbing. I know vultures were created for this purpose, however it is still a disturbing concept to me. So I take this concept to what we are filling ourselves with. What thoughts are we eating? What attracts us? What are we consuming into our spirit and soul? Is it sweetness or death? The promises of God are filled with great sweetness. "How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!" (Psalm 119:103). "Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became to me a joy and the delight of my heart..."(Jeremiah 15:16) What are you eating? What are you attracted to? What gets your attention? Is it God's truth? God's promises? Are you nourishing your soul & spirit with hope, joy, & love? Are you feeding on expectations of sweet life? Or are you surviving on death? Corpses? Things that have a stench? Bitterness? Unforgiveness? Hopelessness? The resemblance of life that only leads to death? The message version of Romans 6:22-23 says "But now that you’ve found you don’t have to listen to sin tell you what to do, and have discovered the delight of listening to God telling you, what a surprise! A whole, healed, put-together life right now, with more and more of life on the way! Work hard for sin your whole life and your pension is death. But God’s gift is real life, eternal life, delivered by Jesus, our Master." So what choice do you make, Hummingbird or Vulture? Sweet Life or death? "I call heaven and earth to witness against you today, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Therefore choose life, that you and your offspring may live..." (Deuteronomy 30:19)

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Reflection of Truth

I know i am loved
I know i am the beloved
I am the apple of your eye

You died so my sins may be forgiven
You were tortured so i may be healed

Defender of injustice
Redeemer of all that's been stolen
Restorer of all lost
Healer of all brokeness


Saturday, January 14, 2012

Wandering Through the Dessert

As it seems the road less traveled seems to be a lonely one …… that’s why it’s less traveled. So what does it say that as I watched the 10 commandments I was relating to Moses and his agony and pain as he lead the Israelites to freedom to the promised land. I will be honest I continuously keep learning about referenced aspects of the really long journey yet I have never read the full biblical story only a chapter here and there.

First lesson I learned (with a huge impact I must add), was that the promised land was only an 11 day journey that due to disobedience and backsliding in faith became the 40 year journey. This has been a great visual to me that reminds me to just dig in and minimize the length of time we are stuck in the dessert being tested in our faith and continuing to live life based on our own understanding. Faith does not make sense to the human mind, in fact quite often acts of faith seem to be quite irresponsible to the human mind and understanding.

This brings me to another visual. During this journey in the dessert God provided bread daily and required that they trust Him day by day for their food and to resist the human tendency to save for the following days in case there was not enough food in the future. What an amazing visual of faith…..a lesson on learning to resist your human understanding and just trust God blindly without knowing what will be the outcome of the situation. Every human can understand this need to responsibility to KNOW that you will have what you need tomorrow. But these are the same people that were honored enough to pass through the Sea on dry land all at the hand of God. This food they struggled to believe would be there the next day would miraculously appear in the first place yet they still struggled to believe God was going to take care of them when they felt hungry, thirsty, cold and scared.

I have come to realize during the challenging seasons of my life that without being allowed to feel scared, uncertain, confused and lonely – how would I be able to measure the greatness of God’s power and mercy. As I mentioned earlier I was able to relate to Moses to the point of tears since he gave voice to my own prayers and struggles with the difficulties of the journey of faith. I’ve had to ask myself why was it was that I related to Moses rather than the others worried about their safety, food and drink – those are very valid concerns for any person.

It is very interesting the way God speaks to us. Ever since I learned about the 11 day journey becoming a 40 year one due to disobedience and lack of faith, I continue to run in to references over and over about Moses and this journey. As I have been determined to just stay in prayer and learn and listen, I have learned many different aspects that are applicable to my daily life.

As I watched the 10 commandments on TV I could feel Moses’ pain & related to this amazing call from God. The opportunity to be part of something so much bigger than himself because He loved God so much that he whole heartedly desired to be obedient – that’s a rather uncommon thing. But due to this connection to Moses that I have had I have also had great revelation also. God has used him as an example of the need as a leader to be lead by faith and not by emotions. He has also been an example of the need to have sufficient faith for all those you lead in ministry so that the walk of faith may be demonstrated with peace even when things go downhill. I’ve learned if God said “tell the rock to give you water” I will tell it rather than hit it for water – or in my case not pay $50 less on my almost paid off van “just in case” the other budget items are overspent.

So overall I would say I have continuously been learning how to be a leader of ministry through the life of Moses…..and as I said I have not even read his story yet. I have learned that I have the ability to shorten my journey in the dessert by trusting God when things are scary & uncomfortable. I have learned that when you know more about God, He will expect more of you (especially faith) and when He leads you to something, do exactly what He says not what you are comfortable with.

So as I began this entry, it was merely for a release of the loneliness during my journey of faith, however by the end of this I have realized how much I can trust God and call my blessings as I see them. I am an ever changing person seeking God’s truth with great passion, I am not alone after all – it just so happens that because my faith has grown, so must my trust in the quiet moments that I journey alone with God …..only with God – it’s against my human understanding, but it’s a great & freeing revelation.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. " Proverbs 3:5-8

Wednesday, August 17, 2011



Free to receive Peace
Free to surrender my burdens
Free to receive love
Free to share an honest heart

Free from Anger
Free from Pain
Free from being offended
Free from hopelessness

Free to wait on the Lord
Free to dream
Free to endless possibilities
Free to bare my soul
Free to the Holy Spirit's Leading
Free to receive healing
Free to be who God made me

But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away. Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3:16-18

© 2011 by Christina Valdez. All rights reserved

Monday, July 11, 2011

My Journey to Peace and Joy

As I journey through life, I constantly learn deep lessons from God that further my understanding of God’s control in my life. Situations that were once burdens, I have come to understand the blessings behind them. I have truly come to a stronger understanding as to why I am not to lean on my own understanding but truly trust in the Lord with all my heart. Life is tough, but when we try to control it based on our own understanding, we make our lives so much more stressful and hopeless.

In my most troubled times I’ve surrendered to change because I realize I don’t want to make a single decision in my life. Through constant prayer I have discovered more of what God desires of me, rather than waiting for something to change. My flaws are continuously exposed to me by God in a very gentle way. The moment I come to understand what it is I am lacking, there is nothing less than relief that I finally have a concrete way to make my life easier and more tolerable.

I am completely amazed by the blessings that have come upon my family. It may not be visible to the human spirit, but through my eyes of faith – miracles have taken place before me. My son has been healed and restored; he just began his summer basketball season and this is only one of the many blessings.

I am grateful for every person and every seed that God has planted in my life. I am grateful for every person that prayed for our benefit and I am grateful for every confident Godly person that has challenged me to grow in my beliefs so that I could receive the full blessings awaiting me. I am grateful for every honest heart that has pushed aside shame or embarrassment for the sake of glorifying God during their trials and opening my eyes to the truths and promises made by our Lord.

We have all been placed on this earth to support and encourage each other, not to judge or shame each other - but to learn from each other. You never know the impact a word, gesture or bit of honesty can have on a person struggling. Wisdom is to be shared. Every bit of guidance and wisdom that has been blessed by the Lord has matured me and opened my eyes to the endless possibilities in life. I do not limit myself to the growth done in a gentle manner, but the lessons learned through those that misunderstand my journey also. I have learned that God does not desire that I dismiss those that have the potential to hurt me. I must learn to pray for those that hurt me so that I may have the faith to carry me through the challenges and exhibit God’s love through me.

Every challenge I have faced has come back down to one thing – my willingness to become the best version of me. I will not try to pretend these changes are easy, but they are based on God’s truth & promises rather than my own flawed perspective. My passion grows and my hope becomes renewed and restored. I am able to clearly interpret and accept the blessings upon my life without any skepticism or hesitation, but with a completely grateful heart.

"Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep." Romans 12:10-15

© 2011 by Christina Valdez. All rights reserved

Monday, July 4, 2011

Be Still

I sit in silence as my son sleeps off what seems to have been a migraine.  I prayed for him and rejected anything less than the truth that he is healed and requesting God give him rest and relief from pain.  There was the temptation to grow worried and to continuously pray over him to relieve the pain.  I soon heard the words "Be still & know I am God."  So I was still and he soon fell asleep.  As a mother it is hard to be still, but from my recent experiences in God's presence, I was able to comprehend the statement of "know I am God" in such a deeper more trusting level.  It is as though that one thought reassures me that every concern, every prayer, every request of relief of pain and healing is already done - it's been heard and He's in control.  I am to trust that if I must move I will move, if I must speak I will speak.... all lead by God simply because he wants me to be still; make no decisions, ask no questions but know with confidence He knows whats going on.
© 2011 by Christina Valdez. All rights reserved

Monday, June 27, 2011

Leaning Not on My Own Understanding

As I share with others my journey of faith, it is purely to be a person that is able to relay the impact that God has had on my life - who I am and who I grow into. Each step of this journey following brain surgery for my son with the complication of Chemical Meningitis, brings more clarity to me as I seek it. I have never turned to the Bible more, reflected, meditated, prayed and wished to learn how to prevent my own actions from hindering the healing of my family. At the most difficult time of my life I have learned from the Lord how to trust Him with more confidence. With each moment that my trust grows to trust the Lord, I continue to see the physical healing of my son. Each day brings new revelation to me about how to change for the benefit of my family. That change must be of absolute trust in the Lord, beyond my own understanding (Prov 3:5). I accept my need to change more with each passing day, while the world around me appreciates my strength & faith, God has loved me through each painful moment and taught me how to forget about my own idea of what a mother and wife are to be. A mother's desire is to protect and love with compassion, so anything less than a gentle tone or touch is difficult to for a mother's heart during such a tremendous ordeal. Seeing your child in horrible pain is pure torment, so you try to prevent that pain in every way possible. But
that is why God surrounds us with what we need even when it breaks our hearts. God has blessed my son with a mother and father that bring uncomfortable balance into his life (yes I said uncomfortable balance - because in discomfort is where we grow-more on that on another entry). This is finally a time in my life that I have truly been able to appreciate the value of a person knowing what needs to get done and doing it without the breaking heart that I tend to have. And with this balance, my son has successfully completed one full week of daycare and celebrated his 9th birthday.

With each leap of faith on my part, my son's physical healing continues to be restored with strength. With each confession of my own sin, I personally grow stronger with more confidence in all that God has
planned for my family. Because I have accepted this journey, I have clearly understood this is a calling from God - a very special calling - I have been so blessed by God's wisdom & peace. The Bible says that
trials test the genuiness of one's faith (1 Peter 1:7), so I feel a great sense of accomplishment with each lesson I learn - and I live with more clarity each day. I can never relay an update about my son's health without my testimony of God's grace and wisdom, since the two are so tightly intertwined. God will answer our prayers, but we must be willing to find our comfort in Him and not try to rush the process. We must be willing to accept our wrongness with our human spirit even we are very justified in our actions or feelings. As I accept that I do not want to limit myself to what is humanly acceptable and expected, my journey becomes so much more peaceful, hopeful and joyful. I want to do what God desires for me rather than rely on my own understanding, because truly God's way is easier. If He says wait, then wait. If He says be still, then don't run to someone for comfort - sit in silence - do what He says - be still and don't try to figure out the next step. If He takes everyone away from you that normally comforts you - turn to Him and only Him - He'll let you know who you need to speak to that will help in your growth of faith and trust in Him. When He said my son was healed - then it was done - it was my responsibility to believe it with every breath I took - even when my son had a really bad headache, felt dizzy or fell to the ground almost hitting his head as he tried to shoot
 a basketball. It was my responsibility to confidently proclaim that he was healed. And so he continues each day returning to the normal life of a 9 year old. His sadness that he may be in the hospital on his birthday has successfully transformed my baby's concern to should I get chocolate or vanilla cupcakes for my friends at daycare. All by the loving grace of God. Jesus said "...Don't be afraid; just believe, and she(he) will be healed." Luke 8:50 So as the father in Mark 9:24 asked, “I do believe, but help my unbelief!” God has helped me also, for the sake of my son and my family.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" (Proverbs 3:5)

"The Lord is my Strength and my (impenetrable) Shield; my heart trusts in, relies on, and confidently leans on Him, and I am helped; therefore my heart greatly rejoices, and with my song I will praise Him!" (Psalm 28:7)

© 2011 by Christina Valdez. All rights reserved

Sunday, June 12, 2011


Generally at this point in my journey I do not blog and share the rawness of my journey.  My blog entries are generally a reflection of what I have learned and overcome.  This is the part of the journey that is hard and requires constant rejection of fear, depression and anxiety.

My husband has challenged me to write about acceptance.  I have taken this challenge with hope that this will renew my strength and perserverance.  God tends to guide my words as I write them and give great revelation that helps me move forward.

At a time when families are deciding which beach to visit or if Disneyland or Disneyworld is the better trip, my family continues to be in a battle for my son's full healing.  After a setback this past week from his surgery a month ago (chemical meningitis), I am in frequent prayer for complete healing & restoration for my son.  Each day that we are home there is a temptation to fear his severe headaches returning.  There is a roller coaster of emotions that tempt us to surrender to anger, lonliness, frustration & defeat. 

This is were acceptance comes in.  While we are in our human spirit all these feelings are capable of leading who we are and how we react.  I have had to accept that this as my cross to bear as a mother and as a wife.  If I do not accept this journey I will resist this journey and I will grow angry.  I must accept that during these difficulties God is in control and there is not a single thing I can do to change the outcome, but pray & stay in faith trusting every promise God has made through his Word.  I must meditate on His words, truths and promises and continue to ask for healing & peace & every other prayer that is required each new day. 

Had Jesus not accepted His destiny of a cruel & torturous death our lives would not be as blessed as they are.  We complain about what painful challenges we must face daily, yet how often do we make the effort to truly reflect on the destiny Jesus accepted as a benefit to human kind, even those that reject Him daily.  I have recently reflected on the acceptance of the Virgin Mother of Jesus, to watch her son be tortured and know that she must watch and trust God's promise that this would fulfill Jesus full destiny. 

Accepting these journey are painful and so hard, but amazingly necessary.  Were it not for the acceptance of these journey we would not encounter the many blessings that God offers those who are obedient.  When I accept the painful journey, I then learn how to accept the many blessings from God. 

There is a tendency as humans to feel that we are supposed to create our own destiny and that our own efforts will create our happiness.  But when we accept our blessings from God, it is an opportunity to bring glory to God rather than think we are surviving with our own efforts.  When we accept that those things that are good are from God, we get to live beyond ourselves and we grow and we accept the peace & joy that God offers daily without skepticism.

As I accept my painful journey and thank God that he is growing me, I am able to know with confidence that this is all preparation for our amazing future.  We are being healed as a family, individually and God will restore all that has been lost during these trying times.

"..."Don't be afraid; just believe, and she(he) will be healed." (Luke 8:50)

“I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.” (Romans 8:18)

"Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life, which the Lord has promised to those who love Him."  James 1:12
© 2011 by Christina Valdez. All rights reserved

Monday, May 23, 2011

I'm New to this whole Blogging thing :)

Well it seems that when you are a follower, unless you have a blog or gmail account and check your "dashboard", you are really not able to follow me without coming to my blog.  So I have now added the gadget to "follow by email".  So let's give that a shot and I'll cross my finger that it helps.  The email option will send an email with my new entries on the day that I update my blog.  Thanks for being patient with me!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thanks for Reading

Thank you to everyone that has taken the time to read my reflections as I journey through this journey of faith and growth.  I would love any comments or input about my insight.

Also I would absolutely love if you could become a follower of my blog... I will not lie it really brightens my day to know that there are people that appreciate my writing.

A Humble Heart

During the challenges of life I have been able to learn who I am with a much more humble heart. I have learned to push aside my ego for the sake of bringing glory to God. It was during these challenges that God revealed to me the passion of writing, speaking and ministering to others as they encounter their very own challenges. I thank God for every revelation about who I am and who I hope to become.

As a woman originally convinced that the challenges in my marriage were related to our differences, God has humbled me to the truth that I was overlooking so much in my husband. It has been through the challenges of my marriage that I have learned the most humbling experience of truly putting someone (other than my children) before me. As I continue to discover my weaknesses, I am enlightened to my husband's strengths. These are strengths that he may have even forgotten about.

If it were not for the wisdom & leading of God, I would have surrendered to the defeat within my marriage. But by God's grace I continue to learn to accept that the beauty of our marriage is within those differences. The strength in the unfamiliar is what challenges me to be the best wife and woman, without the expectation that my husband fulfill my happiness. It seems that it is in those moments that I question most where I must change, I receive the most clear answers.

If it were not for God's grace & wisdom, I would not have had my husband's silent strength by my side during the most difficult times of my life. If it were not for God's forgiveness on me for taking a gift for granted, I would not be the woman I am today.

Every relationship has challenges; whether friendship, family or children, but when we humble ourselves enough to accept that God has brought us together for a reason beyond our own happiness - we ourselves are blessed with a "peace that surpasses all understanding". We learn to patiently pray for peace and understanding, we grow in our faith, and most importantly we begin to remove the responsibility of another person to make us happy. We are then able to look at a person with the simple understanding that we are all God's children, everyone of us - and God has entrusted us with each other so that we may learn to be the example of Christ that we have been called to be.

“And so, dear brothers and sisters I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him. Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect. Because of the privilege and authority God has given me, I give each of you this warning: Don’t think you are better than you really are. Be honest in your evaluation of yourselves, measuring yourselves by the faith God has given us.” Romans 12:1-3
© 2011 by Christina Valdez. All rights reserved