Monday, January 24, 2011

I'll bear my fruit of the Holy Spirit if you bear yours!

It is so interesting that many of us have thought, why would God put us together because our loved ones have personalities that hurt our feelings and think so different than we do. But we are basically answering our own question. Because God wants us to learn not to be so driven by emotions & "feelings" and to be different from who we are. If we truly believe that we are filled with the Holy Spirit - bearing the fruit of the spirit especially applies to us - not them but us. The fruit of the spirit is kindness, peace, joy, self-control, love, longsuffering, faithfulness, goodness & gentleness (Gal 5:22). The key is bearing the fruit, not having a subconscious attitude of "I'll bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit when you bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit." It is God's way of teaching us to be humble and "practice what we preach" to those we love. If they see these characteristics in us, they will eventually trust that it is who we truly are and they will be inspired - and I don't mean, today or tomorrow but when we have learned what we must learn. We are only able to justify our behavior in the human spirit, but we must hold each other accountable as we grow in our own Holiness. As we accept this truth, we are empowered to grow and in the process, our own happiness no longer becomes our priority. But our priority becomes to truly surrender who we are God - to shape us into who He created us to be - not who we thought we wanted to be. So my challenge today will be to examine our difficult relationships and ask that uncomofortable and unfair question, "Am I truly treating this person the way I wish I was treated." "Am I overlooking this persons imperfections in the same manner I wish my imperfections to be overlooked?" The most challenging situations are situations that only God has answers for. And as we search for resolve in the difficulties we must fully surrender that we don't have answers, but pray and listen to what God is teaching us in these situations. As I have dealt with situations of chaos, it is difficult to understand my contribution to the choas. But as I am in constant communication with God, I ask God what is it that he is teaching me that I am missing, because I do not like surrendering my joy to chaos. But each moment of challenge, I once again request the presence of the Holy Spirit to bear fruit within me, so that I may be at peace feeling God's presence within me maintaining hope for the next day.
© 2011 by Christina Valdez. All rights reserved