Monday, July 11, 2011

My Journey to Peace and Joy

As I journey through life, I constantly learn deep lessons from God that further my understanding of God’s control in my life. Situations that were once burdens, I have come to understand the blessings behind them. I have truly come to a stronger understanding as to why I am not to lean on my own understanding but truly trust in the Lord with all my heart. Life is tough, but when we try to control it based on our own understanding, we make our lives so much more stressful and hopeless.

In my most troubled times I’ve surrendered to change because I realize I don’t want to make a single decision in my life. Through constant prayer I have discovered more of what God desires of me, rather than waiting for something to change. My flaws are continuously exposed to me by God in a very gentle way. The moment I come to understand what it is I am lacking, there is nothing less than relief that I finally have a concrete way to make my life easier and more tolerable.

I am completely amazed by the blessings that have come upon my family. It may not be visible to the human spirit, but through my eyes of faith – miracles have taken place before me. My son has been healed and restored; he just began his summer basketball season and this is only one of the many blessings.

I am grateful for every person and every seed that God has planted in my life. I am grateful for every person that prayed for our benefit and I am grateful for every confident Godly person that has challenged me to grow in my beliefs so that I could receive the full blessings awaiting me. I am grateful for every honest heart that has pushed aside shame or embarrassment for the sake of glorifying God during their trials and opening my eyes to the truths and promises made by our Lord.

We have all been placed on this earth to support and encourage each other, not to judge or shame each other - but to learn from each other. You never know the impact a word, gesture or bit of honesty can have on a person struggling. Wisdom is to be shared. Every bit of guidance and wisdom that has been blessed by the Lord has matured me and opened my eyes to the endless possibilities in life. I do not limit myself to the growth done in a gentle manner, but the lessons learned through those that misunderstand my journey also. I have learned that God does not desire that I dismiss those that have the potential to hurt me. I must learn to pray for those that hurt me so that I may have the faith to carry me through the challenges and exhibit God’s love through me.

Every challenge I have faced has come back down to one thing – my willingness to become the best version of me. I will not try to pretend these changes are easy, but they are based on God’s truth & promises rather than my own flawed perspective. My passion grows and my hope becomes renewed and restored. I am able to clearly interpret and accept the blessings upon my life without any skepticism or hesitation, but with a completely grateful heart.

"Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another; not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer; distributing to the needs of the saints, given to hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep." Romans 12:10-15

© 2011 by Christina Valdez. All rights reserved

Monday, July 4, 2011

Be Still

I sit in silence as my son sleeps off what seems to have been a migraine.  I prayed for him and rejected anything less than the truth that he is healed and requesting God give him rest and relief from pain.  There was the temptation to grow worried and to continuously pray over him to relieve the pain.  I soon heard the words "Be still & know I am God."  So I was still and he soon fell asleep.  As a mother it is hard to be still, but from my recent experiences in God's presence, I was able to comprehend the statement of "know I am God" in such a deeper more trusting level.  It is as though that one thought reassures me that every concern, every prayer, every request of relief of pain and healing is already done - it's been heard and He's in control.  I am to trust that if I must move I will move, if I must speak I will speak.... all lead by God simply because he wants me to be still; make no decisions, ask no questions but know with confidence He knows whats going on.
© 2011 by Christina Valdez. All rights reserved