Saturday, January 14, 2012

Wandering Through the Dessert

As it seems the road less traveled seems to be a lonely one …… that’s why it’s less traveled. So what does it say that as I watched the 10 commandments I was relating to Moses and his agony and pain as he lead the Israelites to freedom to the promised land. I will be honest I continuously keep learning about referenced aspects of the really long journey yet I have never read the full biblical story only a chapter here and there.

First lesson I learned (with a huge impact I must add), was that the promised land was only an 11 day journey that due to disobedience and backsliding in faith became the 40 year journey. This has been a great visual to me that reminds me to just dig in and minimize the length of time we are stuck in the dessert being tested in our faith and continuing to live life based on our own understanding. Faith does not make sense to the human mind, in fact quite often acts of faith seem to be quite irresponsible to the human mind and understanding.

This brings me to another visual. During this journey in the dessert God provided bread daily and required that they trust Him day by day for their food and to resist the human tendency to save for the following days in case there was not enough food in the future. What an amazing visual of faith…..a lesson on learning to resist your human understanding and just trust God blindly without knowing what will be the outcome of the situation. Every human can understand this need to responsibility to KNOW that you will have what you need tomorrow. But these are the same people that were honored enough to pass through the Sea on dry land all at the hand of God. This food they struggled to believe would be there the next day would miraculously appear in the first place yet they still struggled to believe God was going to take care of them when they felt hungry, thirsty, cold and scared.

I have come to realize during the challenging seasons of my life that without being allowed to feel scared, uncertain, confused and lonely – how would I be able to measure the greatness of God’s power and mercy. As I mentioned earlier I was able to relate to Moses to the point of tears since he gave voice to my own prayers and struggles with the difficulties of the journey of faith. I’ve had to ask myself why was it was that I related to Moses rather than the others worried about their safety, food and drink – those are very valid concerns for any person.

It is very interesting the way God speaks to us. Ever since I learned about the 11 day journey becoming a 40 year one due to disobedience and lack of faith, I continue to run in to references over and over about Moses and this journey. As I have been determined to just stay in prayer and learn and listen, I have learned many different aspects that are applicable to my daily life.

As I watched the 10 commandments on TV I could feel Moses’ pain & related to this amazing call from God. The opportunity to be part of something so much bigger than himself because He loved God so much that he whole heartedly desired to be obedient – that’s a rather uncommon thing. But due to this connection to Moses that I have had I have also had great revelation also. God has used him as an example of the need as a leader to be lead by faith and not by emotions. He has also been an example of the need to have sufficient faith for all those you lead in ministry so that the walk of faith may be demonstrated with peace even when things go downhill. I’ve learned if God said “tell the rock to give you water” I will tell it rather than hit it for water – or in my case not pay $50 less on my almost paid off van “just in case” the other budget items are overspent.

So overall I would say I have continuously been learning how to be a leader of ministry through the life of Moses…..and as I said I have not even read his story yet. I have learned that I have the ability to shorten my journey in the dessert by trusting God when things are scary & uncomfortable. I have learned that when you know more about God, He will expect more of you (especially faith) and when He leads you to something, do exactly what He says not what you are comfortable with.

So as I began this entry, it was merely for a release of the loneliness during my journey of faith, however by the end of this I have realized how much I can trust God and call my blessings as I see them. I am an ever changing person seeking God’s truth with great passion, I am not alone after all – it just so happens that because my faith has grown, so must my trust in the quiet moments that I journey alone with God …..only with God – it’s against my human understanding, but it’s a great & freeing revelation.

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil. " Proverbs 3:5-8