Saturday, July 17, 2010

Is Anybody out There?

I've officially decided to take my passions public. Whether or not anyone's interested in my perceptions is a different story. I've always had so much to say but not quite sure who really wants to hear what I have to say. I never want to force my opinions or perceptions on anyone but I tend to get very passionate. I am very conscious of what I share with people since I present myself as a Christian woman on an amazing journey learning more and more about God in my life during my challenges. I have a passion for learning from God how to demonstrate His love through me to others. I have observed many passionate Christians in life that have not been great representations of what God represents - I've struggled to accept their spiritual guidance since they do not represent the qualities that I associate God with. I associate God's leading with “..the fruit of the Spirit which are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.” (Galatians 5:22) I have seen the reactions of fear, anger, meanness and judgement define who they are. I have seen the pain and confusion they have placed on others that it itself requires healing. My heart's desire is to lead others to God's love and power through my own example. I want to have God's light shine through me. I want to be honest with my struggles and imperfections, yet I want to demonstrate how God continues to teach me about who I am and who I want to become - and even more so, allowing me to understand that I may be lead to a life that I never knew possible for me. I don't ever want to limit my blessings because they are beyond anything I ever anticipated.

One thing I am rather consistant with is challenging others to be open to growth. The moment we think we have accomplished all we have been called to in this life, we begin to block our blessings and limit who we are. I think it is important to challenge ourselves daily so I have decided to attach a challenge with each blog and a bible verse to support my challenge.

Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ

My challenge for today is to reflect on the lives we are living. Do your actions bring glory to God during personal struggle. Do you rest your head with a clear conscious knowing that everyone you love feels your love? Have your interactions with people in your world at the grocery store, work or while you are driving been with self-control and patience? Whatever it is you discover about your actions, take a brief moment to stop and ask God for guidance in whatever areas you struggle. Dear Lord, help me to be a positive representation of your love to the world. Give me a calm spirit so that I am to inspire others to accept you into their hearts through my actions.


  1. You have grown phenomenally in the past six years Trust in the process.

  2. Beautiful expressions of God's love!!! Uplifting, encouraging, and honest.
